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Post time: 2014-10-02 15:08:17
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BEIJING, November 12 (by Steve Wong) online shopping,http://www.autodefentsa.info/index.php?option=com_blog&view=comments&pid=1112333&Itemid=0, bachelor party ...... this otherwise mundane day, already turned into a national carnival, but the hustle and bustle, but it seems nothing to do with love. The celebrity divorce to just past the Singles, but also adds some pathos color, friends shouted again, "do not believe in love," Some users claimed that "anything can be discussed, is to talk about love."
Impetuous not love, but people. For the love to create "ladder of love" because love is remarried to donate the liver, the yin and yang song teaser ...... apart but the love story of ordinary people, continue to unfold, so many people moved to tears, why we do not reflect on concept of love? As long as the people around him still in love, still adhere to, we have no reason not to believe in love?
Love Ladder: The Legend of half a century
87  death of the elderly, so that "ladder of love" story again touched people. Lay Dying,http://gracebrasil.org.br/cache/pzvohqifws.html, Children of commitment "must put your father and buried together," she was smiling away.
50 years ago, Xu Zhaoqing or that village, "pretty widow", she and her small year-old villager Liu Guojiang Zhongshan Gao Tan love. This kind of love in the time of the countryside is tantamount to some kind of taboo, they can imagine the pressure. In order to avoid other people's gossip, they chose to run away, hide in the altitude of 1500 meters, the deep forests being, lived a life of near isolation.
Xu Zhaoqing and Liu Guojiang each other with "boy", "maid" proportionality. Big mountains,http://www.wvs-ostrowski.de/cache/rkrbcisckf.html, the traffic is very inconvenient, "young man" worried "maid" walking the mountain is dangerous, so he end his life, cast a huge project - with a chisel to open up a mountain road leading from the mountains outside. The chisel is half a century, "young man" chisel rotten over 20 shovels, more than 6000 steps a little bit extended from their homes to the foot.
Their story has been exposed by the media,http://www.225500.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, had caused a sensation in the country, one known as the "Ten contemporary Chinese love story," and this fusion of the "young man" sweat, affectionate, and the path of life, had been called as a "ladder of love", and the story has also been adapted into a movie.
After Xu Zhaoqing died, many people come here from all over the country, climbing the "love ladder" and relive a beautiful love brings touched and baptism. Two old children discuss the decision, in accordance with the wishes  the two men buried, so that "young man" and "maid" forever.
Remarried donate liver: "Because I love him."
June of this year, 32-year-old and 39-year-old Tian Sudan new propylene recently divorced. Only last less than two months, Tian was diagnosed with cirrhosis of new propylene advanced, the need for liver transplantation. "Ex-wife" New Sudan c undergo a medical examination without the knowledge of the field, learned that he later qualified,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, proposed to donate liver to field new c.
According to relevant laws and regulations, Sudan must Wada new c remarry after their eligibility to donate the liver is considered fully equipped. So she persuaded Tian new c remarry and start accepting audit hospital ethics committee.
"Yes husband money, there is a transaction or other reasons behind the money, so that divorced women remarry adhere to donate liver??" Faced with the hospital ethics committee questioned Sudan cried and said:. "Because I love him."
Eventually, Sudan donated 590 grams of liver to save her husband's life. Currently, the couple signs the balance transferred to the general ward from the ICU ward.
All know the story of the people are moved,http://www.wvs-ostrowski.de/cache/yefygwivck.html, this is the real users praise with "liver" total pain.
To heaven song: sing the tomb 11 years
Shimenshan Cemetery in Dalian, every day an old man in the tomb burst out sing. He called Jiang Zhi Chao, this year has been 74 years old, for him, every day the most important thing is to come to his wife's grave, singing to her, talk with her, a full 11 years, rain or shine.
Jiang Zhi Chao young university professor, specializing in modern literature. As an intellectual, he was in the "Cultural Revolution" was thrown into the bullpen, see hope than life. Just when he is in a slump fate,http://talgon.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=277760, and his lover,http://yaobuy.com.cn/news/html/?578211.html, a born revolutionary family,http://aggeusz.pl/library/mqggnnxxiq.html, his father was governor, his brother is a woman army cadres, became his life's dawn. She ignored Jiang Zhi Chao freedom is limited, right arm injury situation might disability, decided to marry him.
Jiang Zhi Chao couple married life but to enrich the poor, poor physical conditions are not devoid of their spice of life, and together they manage this small family,http://jackweirandsons.com/mode/ujdhxxxuhx.html, raising three children,http://www.wvs-ostrowski.de/cache/wpnwutfrlt.html, so happy days quietly flowing.
2001, Jiang Zhi Chao's wife attack and death, happiness lasted for 33 years of marriage to an abrupt end. Unexpected heavy blow to Clement super depressed for a long time, he was difficult to forget the past, all the more difficult Ziqian inner stagnation. After his wife was buried, he would walk up the mountain every day to his wife's grave to sit, talk,http://www.erta.at/data/snoldeopdr.html, as if his wife was still alive.
Singing mentioned reasons, Jiang Zhi Chao said his wife liked to listen to him sing young, often when two people in love with the song teaser, his wife especially like to hear him sing "Wusuli."
Mountain people come to know his story, local media also reported two love stories. "Wusuli" original singers, tenor Jiang Zhi Guo Song has also been touched by the story of super in 2010 onward connection to him.
This year, Jiang Zhi Chao's wife has passed away 11 years. 11 years, Jiang Zhi Chao repeatedly back and forth between his home and Shimenshan cemetery, he even accurately measure the distance from home to the 1700 Shimenshan on the steps.
Children are distressed Jiang Zhi Chao, hoping to change his father house, let him stay away from this place that he hit me, but Jiang Zhi Chao rejected children kindness. Singing to his wife buried here,http://www.wvs-ostrowski.de/cache/ocbwzadupq.html,http://www.dzbrgc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=816305, "boredom" of Yu Jiang Zhi Chao is concerned, has become a habit. This "habit" is Clement externalization ultra fondly, but he and his wife never betray, spend a lifetime witness.
Took three years to wake her boyfriend: love stick ordeal
November 8, 2012, Qiu Yanhua and Weiqing Long finally got to the registration of marriage. This is an ordinary couple, but by the blessing of the national users.
2008, Guangxi soldier  girls Qiu Yanhua met, fell in love. Just two people preparing to get married when a lucky accident shattered all their hopes for the future and planning. 2009, Wei Qinglong car accident, unconscious.
Faced with the loss of sanity, the future hangs in the balance of life and death, love, Qiu Yanhua chose to spend apart from anything else. Wei family to bear medical expenses like a bottomless pit, take him back home maintenance. Qiu Yanhua decided accompanied Weiqing Long massage every day to wipe the body.
Weiqing Long's family thought she would insist on a ten and a half, because the going gets tough and very soon it will leave on their own, did not expect this stick is three years. To be able to and  together, Qiu Yanhua give up work and loved his family, had heart surgery, she must work from dawn to dusk every day to raise the cost of treatment. Qiu Yanhua behavior was puzzled others,http://www.loyade.com/neusoft/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=460893, some have even been considered conspiracy.
Fortunately, under the careful care and effort  Wei family,  the situation a little bit usher in turn, from open your eyes, to speak, want to re-favored almost reached the limit of this home, it After all,http://www.hoettcke-holz.de/cache/uzjboafpmw.html, maintain down.
Some persuasion, "since there is no marriage, there is no obligation, and you work so hard, why bother?" Such exhortations, not only did not let  shaken, but she wants more firmly the idea of ​​registration of marriage, after a car accident three years experience in ,http://www.comundo.eu/info/gbravmyctn.html, Qiu Yanhua and Weiqing Long finally get married. Qiu Yanhua said the marriage license is to assume the obligations, became his wife, he will not someone say that there is no obligation of.
Why do we not want to believe in love?
In fact, both the "ladder of love" in the accompanying two elderly people spend a lifetime, or to save a woman lover decided to donate the liver, they are just ordinary people face in the crowd. In the eyes of others, their actions touching, but as a party for them, their own choice,http://bbs.huanqiu.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=114&filter=typeid&typeid=180&mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but a trivial decision, and the decision Jiannuo after it. It is deep love, so that these life truly a "little people", inadvertently, done enough to shake the soul feat.
Once upon a time, we are near the crowd shouted "no longer believe in love." From Nicholas Tse Cecilia "soap opera", to Dong Jie and Pan Yueming's "farce", the entertainment pair "golden couple" After withdraw artificial aura, in the spotlight to show the human side of the most original ecology . Their "close" and "off" neither qualified to represent "love", but not a measure of the "love" of the scale. The so-called "do not believe in love,http://www.grobelny-pleszew.com.pl/table/uckwktupag.html," but is entertaining speculation in a pseudo-proposition, then become the people an excuse to cover up their impetuous heart.
Apply a once buzzwords, "Whether you believe it or not, love is there." In many cases, love is not from the "life and death with the promise" to start, but with the extension of time, the accumulated experience of two people together, and in loyalty to each other, each stick in the process, completed the "direct teaching Shengsixiangxu" sublimation.
There are many manifestations of love, vigorous Lovers will eventually become plain water life. For us, there is a treat in any case think, for people who pay no regrets, no doubt is a happy thing. At this point, even the "life and death" so ambitious proposition,http://aggeusz.pl/library/fmnmdvllsj.html, it was such a happy little comment. (End)
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