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near several small campus bookstores have closed long ago

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Post time: 2014-10-03 23:52:50
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□ Evening News reporter Li Zheng reports
Recently, an open appeal letter widely circulated in the East China Normal University teachers and students,http://www.iselldopehair.com/activity/p/632386/, there are joint signature 30 professors, associate professors, lecturers and doctoral students on this letter, and called on the content but about the Minhang campus of a school among more than 30 square meters of a small bookstore. Because the contract expires,http://bbs.zmdfcw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=65774,basquettes adidas, the school moved out of the logistics department has notified the school bookstore, but students and teachers at the school, but that it was "destroying school veins sweet savor sin," and called the school to leave the bookstore. A few days ago,http://www.middlewareforums.com/viewtopic.php?pid=495065#p495065, the number of signers of this letter has been increasing.
Joint letter: appeal to "maintain the school pulse fragrance,peuterey outlet."
To this appeal letter is issued on behalf of that principal, but recently out of the country because of the principal,nike homme pas cher air max blanc et rose, the letter was handed a run. Reporters in the letter seen by the majority of the joint Department of Philosophy, Literature and History teacher at the school; small part for students, doctoral students the most. Signed a joint letter from the order of view, but also several of the foremost teachers.
Appeal letter said, "I am shocked to learn at school Minhang campus academic shop 'big summer bookstores' sake and school logistics sector leases expire, will be forced to shut down recently closed down, resulting in forced closure of its direct And the only reason is that the logistics sector urged to recover the facade of the school, so we especially urgent appeal to the principal of your request will not be forced to shut down the bookstore. "
Signer said graduate student apartment big summer bookstore located adjacent to young teachers apartments, business mainly involves classical Chinese and Western thought and culture in the field of academic books. Store is small, but spread the scholarly; operating bleak, but abide by the academic. "In the still remote Minhang campus, East China Normal University is undoubtedly a lot of young people learn valuable spiritual haven." They said, it is difficult to accept it because the behavior of the logistics sector and forced the school suddenly closed down!
In their view, repaying the small bookstore extremely diverse and elegant does not meet university campus culture. "Many shops in this business, but why only academic bookstore logistics sector was facing eviction of the dilemma, logistics and university authorities should not try to maintain the school play veins sweet savor sin."
School: the right to withdraw the contract expires
Why schools should recover this small bookstore? A teacher logistics sector East China Normal University, told reporters that under this bookstore is located eight school graduate apartment homes, rented school property, time and logistics department had signed the agreement last September 1 to August 31 this year , "the contract period has expired, we certainly have the right to recover the bookstore facade." For how will recover after the bookstore with, he said the logistics department has not yet decided.
For teachers and students called for the issue to leave the bookstore,basket pas cher nike air max 90 blanc, he said did not know,chaussure nike air max 90 pour femme nike air max nouvelle collection, "we can understand the idea of ​​teachers and students, but the school has plans to introduce a better qualification, covering five-six hundred square meters of large bookstores. While large Summer bookstore is too small, only 30 square meters, where the original plan just a student activity room,parka moncler homme moncler lille, and later leased to the bookstore owner. "He also said,air max 90 w air max grise et blanc, in fact,chaussures air jordan femme air jordan enfant, a large summer school and more than a bookstore,http://www.slotorsre.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, at the undergraduate apartment Office also There are a.
In addition,air jordan homme noir chaussure jordan pas cher,http://four-faith.v.suncco.com:88/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4011659&extra=, he calls for teachers and students and some do not understand: In fact, we all know that earn money to open a bookstore, online shopping is now bigger discount bookstore, many teachers and students have been accustomed to in Dangdang, excellence on the textbook, the operators it is necessary to always keep in here?
Bookstore: university professors speak useless
Yesterday, the reporter contacted the big summer bookstore owner Zhou Jian, he told reporters that he had no idea regarding the teachers and students' joint insurance shop ", just to explain to some of the old customers who had closed the issue,nike air max 90 prix air max bw pas cher homme, he owed very grateful to them and moved, but he was not optimistic about the prospects, "bookstore or will close, which is irreversible!"
The reason why "irreversible",http://zimubbs.njgzx.cn:8086/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=802203, on the one hand is the school's reasons Previously, big summer bookstores have had several relocation, but also because of similar reasons last year was out of Shanghai Normal University, "there were a hundred professors and scholars appealed to the school, request to leave school bookstore, but not useful. professor is no matter which university to speak, they do not rule the school the right to decide, and this is I am not optimistic about the role of the main joint appeal letter. "
Reality: the impact of too much online bookstore
University of recession small bookstore, online bookstore impact is great cause. Great summer bookstore earliest graduates from East China Normal University on behalf of the college students venture founded in 2002. Initial phase of development momentum is quite good, with three stores during 2006, the store has also been working in the business college students. Boss introduced in 2006 was a watershed, a growing number of teachers and students in the habit of buying books online, and the school principal also began to shift to the Minhang campus. Later bookstore is located on the left, a Shanghai Normal University, Minhang campus last year and moved to East China Normal University. Now business is still bleak,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, he can not afford college work, only to help Kandian father retired.
For the same reason, fewer neighboring East China Normal University bookstore, originally located in Zhongshan North Road, near several small campus bookstores have closed long ago, and another small bookstore mainly engaged in logistics departments mentioned in PubMed,moncler smanicato prezzo moncler voiron, civil servants and English exams books, "If they are light an academic book, so is certain death."
Teachers and students: I hope that the school division to understand Chinese people feel
For this, the school has been talking about the recent East China Normal University, professor of Chinese Zhu Guohua in line to see this letter also said, "then count me a signature," he also wondered: "Great taste of summer bookstore pricey,prix air max one air max 90 homme, Boss also love the book to understand the book, with Normal people also has its roots in history, why not allow it then? "said one survivor at the school, near the famous university bookstores are surrounded by, for example, as many as a dozen nearby Fudan University Bookstore home, "a real university should be a scholarly place surrounded, why in such a remote Minhang campus, we can not take the initiative to introduce more bookstores, have to get rid of the big summer China Normal University willing to follow the migration? it is puzzling! "
Radio and Television Department of sophomore standing stone question: whether the school division to understand Chinese people's feelings? Great summer bookstores are not only a bookstore,http://www.jzlmled.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=244908&fromuid=51292, "where the feelings of our China division devoted teachers and students!"
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