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Post time: 2014-10-03 21:17:13
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CCTV on his wife: her husband of 12 years of his mistresses wholesale posts: she often had an affair
October 15 this year, CCTV "today that" program broadcast "truth two hundred meters away" in Shiling Town, Huadu District, set off a firestorm. Program involves a town famous multimillionaire Chow a couple. Program, the wife Source: CCTV "today that" even tells her husband Lai Zou Zhijian snow outside mistress for 12 years, after being unmasked, while expressing willingness to cleanse the family, but claimed to have nearly 20 million yuan of debt requires both spouses shared.
After a lapse of two months, Zou Zhijian long article published online, said the parties to the marriage caused him to burst out the reasons for not nurturing a mistress, but depends on snow and even from the beginning of 2003 due to having an affair out repeatedly. The couple in the end who is lying?
Man, Figure / reporter Ouyang morning
Couples uncompromising
Wife: two hundred meters outside the husband and a family
Until this year, Zou Zhijian and Lai snow even married for 16 years already. 16 years ago, the couple from scratch, together earned under a thousand houses, and life was happy. In this regard, they are not denied. But, the things that the last 10 years,http://hollyspianostudio.com/cache/enhpuanncf.html, in two opposite directions mouth.
In the "two hundred meters outside of the truth", the Lai snow even roughly like this: Zou Zhijian own father and brother to lend to business, and ultimately earn the next ten million fortune, Zou Zhijian began outside debauchery, and nurturing played a mistress. Has been carrying her husband with another woman living together for 12 years, only two people at the wedding,http://www.topznz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9703&fromuid=1114, but also gave birth to a 4-year-old girl. Even, they placed new home, away from their homes, there are only 200 meters away.
Brutal 200 meters, so even completely wake Lai snow over, and therefore Zou Zhijian a fierce conflict, and even beaten. And Zou Zhijian also followed in August 3, 2009 filed for divorce court to Huadu.
Husband: give up the dignity expose unfaithful wife
Zou Zhijian said he released this truth, yes, "regardless of a man's dignity."
So, Zou Zhijian said the truth is what is it? He said the couple earned under ten million fortune from scratch, starting funds in support of his father's old Zou Zhijian, save a step down, and with the help of her brother's case, step by step to develop.
However, with the increase in household wealth, Zou Zhijian but slowly found Lai snow even have some exceptions. Finally in 2002 the winter solstice night, Zou Zhijian see snow again and again Lai reunion dinner is not eaten,http://operabase.com/listart.cgi, they hurried out. As a result, when he arrived at the dance hall at 23:00, but found Lai snow even being affectionate with a man cuddle together. Although at the time because many people Zou Zhijian, Tolerance down, but the home is still connected to a dispute with Lai snow and hit her across the face, but did not get to the bottom again.
Since then, his wife and the man to understand details of the exchanges Liang, Zou Zhijian immediately picked up the knife, keep Liang to a break. Lai even seeing snow,http://www.gnomefarmer.co.nz/link/abhbxwkejg.html, begging, and that day swear face Zou Zhijian wrote a pledge to the future is not sleeping around. Lai Zou Zhijian choose to forgive even snow. Zou Zhijian said Lai snow even now, there has been a lover.
Zou Zhijian Trustee after online posting, the reporter contacted the couple were to be interviewed. During the interview, the two men on the other side of the argument Yigai denied.
Strange lawsuit
Do more debt after her husband "cleanse the family."
However, this lawsuit together, but a series of strange things happened. First, in accordance with local court litigation preservation application Lai snow even proposed seized Zou Zhijian name five shops, three houses after a total of about 12 million yuan of property, Zou Zhijian suddenly proposed withdrawal on the grounds that the marriage there is still room for redemption.
When Lai snow even in early 2010 divorce litigation, requesting custody of his son to his own decree, and split the matrimonial property, Zou Zhijian was generous in court that they were willing to let the matrimonial property - "cleanse the family." , but the court said while insolvent, and made a total of more than 2000 million in debt, and that the above is the couple's joint debt. Ultimately, the Court of First Instance ruling, granted two divorce, custody of the boy,http://z-tech.jp/bbs1/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=5388&page=1%22,http://modell-truck-trial.de/cache/btqcxnoemb.html, all under the name of all property owned by Lai Zou Zhijian even snow. As part of the debt, the court doubts, and finally finds Lai snow even need to repay the loan total 1.635 million yuan.
After the story aired, Zou Zhijian felt the pressure immediately. He said his old mother reluctant to go out, the business can not continue. Part creditors into question whether they are fake divorce to avoid debt, one came to the door.
Zou Zhijian: illegitimate daughter had an affair but did not
Reporter: Lai Xue Lian said the completion of a 12-year nurturing you,http://www.waldschmidthaus.eu/link/cohqmltlnv.html, and gave birth to a 4-year-old girl.
Zou Zhijian: I found her in 2003 (having an affair) later, and she said the mistress, was working in the store completed a really gone for some time. But now, the completion of a married with others.
Reporter: Why would take her to open your car? Two hundred meters outside the house and how it was?
Zou Zhijian: The car is loaned them open,http://www.centre-easylangues.com/cache/ujewybkqqi.html, but I'm also working to help graduates of a brother. As for the house, saying that my clothes and the like, simply not true. Why does not she go to shoot it? If I really lived there, I asked you a very clear way.
Reporter: But then there is indeed a factory identified completion of a security is your mistress, and say that you two are often a double into right.
Zou Zhijian: That man is not a security, is not even got a rogue snow Lai,http://hotwheelstuning.de/mode/qvuemacocy.html,http://lovehote.com/roze/epad/epad.cgi, surnamed Lai. Before that,http://www.grosio.eu/cache/bwadyanhjn.html,http://www.tktoushi.com, he also in our factories. Later, a friend told me that he was our money to speak of.
Reporter: Why the court and obtained "new registration form," a daughter called Bi Zoumou father write your name?
Zou Zhijian: I really do not know. I do not know why this writing.
Reporter: DNA identification of an investigation to know, you can not lie.
Zou Zhijian: Girl not mine,http://www.interstitialcystitis.me/cache/abukxeiofg.html.
Reporter: So the debt it? Are you in the transfer of assets?
Zou Zhijian: If I want to transfer assets, the car is the best metastasis. If I am interested, why did not transfer it to the present one? As for the debt, we started doing in 2001. You go ask leather city, which did not owe a leather line of more than ten million. Different before and after the submission of the debt, because they want to do business, we do not want others to know a couple of things.
Reporter: If you did not mind a ghost, why the first time and the sudden withdrawal of the prosecution? Shiyou first instance that "cleanse the family" mean?
Zou Zhijian: From the beginning of December 2008, she was away for a year, take the time to put money, IOU, IOU, and all away. Taking into account the time his son, I want her back, return to the good, but she refused to come back. Initially there is room for maneuver,http://www.jiayuan8.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-222, but to the end of June 2009, due to the business too much money, she and I went out to discuss the mortgage stores that can loan 5 million, she suddenly refused, and said to give her three million. Only after the prosecution, and later withdrawal, but also we talk about, or share of love, want her back.
As was made all the property gave her, because repeatedly talked about many times, many times on the court, bored of. You want to take away all the best stuff, then you must also assume the debt, which is a prerequisite. Results court also tired, so sentenced, of course I want to appeal a.
Lai Xue Lian: to ensure that the book is being forced to write only
Reporter: Zou Zhijian said you had an affair, and said you wrote a guarantee, is that right?
Lai Xue Lian: Article I generally looked,http://hollyspianostudio.com/cache/xhvhmdthab.html, I know his character, he is trying to get back at me, but they are unfounded. 1997 I came down (from home to Shiling), when the child was more than a year old, every day I have to breastfeed, but also to work, how I go (affair) it? This guarantee is that I wrote, but he forced me to play I wrote, the content is he taught me to write. I said I was innocent, not write. He said, you certainly have a relationship with that man,http://www.interstitialcystitis.me/cache/jascadjqrc.html, if you do not write, do not come to work tomorrow, do not sit here, I'm going to divorce you. In fact, I told the man just know it, the phone is because the other side would like to know the leather business can do in Shaoguan. I did not give him the phone number, he asked my friend took it. Later thought, he asked me to write this guarantee, there is a purpose, is to use after a divorce.
Reporter: So, SMS in December 2008 again is how it happened?
Lai Xue Lian: That happens to be his mistress completion of a relocation and occupation of that day. The first night, I was on the phone he found a text message that he sent him a female classmate, let him go to open houses. So, the day I told him that so many women you outside, I'm sorry you do. Before you go to Macau for gambling, playing those women,http://www.creps-pdl.sports.gouv.fr/clone/eyapqfsgqk.html,http://www.ibizstore.com/item/create_form/1, now even the students are let off, I heard that you still have a mistress.
As a result, he hit me on the second floor, Yexia strand of hair, hit me in the head with a stool, holding my head against the wall. Medical records at the time there, but now did not bring. Then told me that, starting today, let me get out and put my handbag what all thrown out and told me to immediately roll.
As for those messages, he can fake anything, which are all his own making. This phone, you just how to play all OK. He drove me out, the family changed the locks, let me go home,http://www.goo-net.com/cgi-bin/goojp/bbs/thread_list.cgi, and said with your marriage so the break it, you go to a lawyer. But at that time, even if I want to muddle along, Kazuo two wives have heard something, but he did not even give me this opportunity.
Reporter: Zou Zhijian said that when you go back and forth swept away at least 5 million yuan, how do you see?
Lai Xue Lian: It was his own bragging of how I could get hold of the money. Although at the time I was in the store Shiling pipe, but a girl money, money never see my hands. Cash someone close, play money, deposit and other more are all drawn to his account, I did not even account. As he said that I was never signed my name on the bill, it is because he wants us to not sign his real name at the time of signature,http://www.les-escales.com/cache/tohjbvrukj.html, must sign a pseudonym, were he taught. Shiling all know he called "Men Do not Cry," notoriously tricky.
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