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contact the Chinese Consulate General in Istanbul

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Post time: 2014-10-04 11:50:10
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@ WCC: July 3 this year, 23-year-old practice Chuanmei Zi Mincho step onto the motorcycle, starting all the way west from Chengdu, via Mongolia,hogan outlet, Russia, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, long finish alone up to 30,000 km of road riding journey.
"I do not want to do 'how much money, received much fame' slaves ...... to achieve their desired lifestyle is youthful courage." Wrote this mentality on the microblogging, the 23-year-old practice Chuanmei Zi Ming Joe on July 3 this year, step onto the motorcycle, from Chengdu, embarked on a full ride 30,000 km journey across Eurasia.
Yesterday, the West China City Daily reporter contacted the riding program has completed training Mincho, she will accompany him across Eurasia "Love Ride" donated sent to Istanbul La Hemi? Kutcher Automobile Museum. It is reported that the permanent collection of the museum will the motorcycle while riding the legendary story of the Chuanmei Zi will subsequently be remembered.
Departure "Shibuya Girls"
Microblogging record, Chengdu to Turkey
July 3, practicing Mincho from Chengdu. Initially there all the way to accompany his brother, but his brother without a passport, over Manchuria, the practice Mincho began a person's long journey. To resolve lonely journey, normally taciturn practice Mincho experience the entire journey are recorded in the micro-Bo: August 26, Sino-Mongolian border: Because not familiar with the roads,http://www.chinahip-hop.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, nothing in groping 15,000 km. September 26, in Russia forgot to buy a navigation results, only to see a simple way to map their paintings ......
Along the way, microblogging became her diary, netizens also followed her motorcycle wheel,woolrich parka donna, crossed Mongolia, Russia, Finland, Norway,abercrombie outlet italia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,boutique louboutin paris, Poland, Germany,nike tn pas cher, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey and other 15 countries, all the way to feel all kinds of surprises, tension and excitement. "Female guy" Tempered
Cut hair, bus station hall dared to live
In order to facilitate the journey, a cruel practice Mincho also cut his hair to stay 20 years. In fact, the trip was not so smooth. In the event of hail and other extreme weather,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1,peuterey uomo outlet, she had to put on all the clothes are out, looks like a penguin; accidentally fell to the ground, she spent a lot of effort in order to barely propped up weighing 400 pounds motorcycle; sometimes she needs its own tent at night, and even lived in the bus station hall.
"There are signals, safety." "Moon super nice here, Wunian." Every day, practicing Mincho will send a message to his family are safe. Mincho practice, said she was born in Yibin, 19 years after graduating from university in Chengdu,http://www.ceproara.com.br/ceproara/index.php/fireboard.html?func=view&catid=15&id=144520#144520, a real estate advertising company to do the design. At age 20,http://www.quartzmc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=402975#p402975,woolrich 2014,http://www.hyzaarhjisa.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, she was alone to Beijing and became a freelance photographer. One day last year, plans to practice Mincho told his parents, to see her daughter willed, dissenting parents had finally chose to support her. "Lone Ranger" sleeping
Like Rangers, Russian friends to help
Practice Mincho said he has always been a loner, but a trip to go down, she accidentally harvested three Russian friends. The evening of October 8, in Moscow on the way to St. Petersburg, and practiced Mincho just setting up the tent, three passing Russia and her little boy came over to chat. That practice is beginning to open Mincho Rangers, a little boy actually a few coins from his pocket and handed her. The next morning, three small boys also practiced Mincho brought breakfast. After asking a series of questions, the little boy did not get to practice Mincho friend's answer, a boy held out his hand, said:. "We Three is your Russian friends" practice Mincho said he hoped one day to go back there , to see that three friends. Legend was born
Stopwatch was stopped at 30,747 km motorcycle museum
"Six months ago, said, 'I'm going' is a promise, after six months said, 'I went,' is the fulfillment of a promise, words and deeds will be fruit, and the rest have nothing to say." November 20, practicing Mincho completed their commitments, riding the Turkish capital Istanbul came. And to accompany practice Mincho motorcycle across Eurasia, stopwatch never stopped at the 30,747 km of the location, has been successfully settled in Istanbul, Turkey, La Hemi? Kutcher Automobile Museum.
"I hope the museum take good care of it, after ten years, I will take my kids to see it." Mincho practice, said in the process of the Turkish visa, contact the Chinese Consulate General in Istanbul, riding story was known and decided Collection Museum her motorcycle. So far, the practice Mincho road motorcycle riding is over, but she intends to put a round in Turkey to return to Chengdu backpack. Yesterday, practicing Mincho departure from Goreme,http://www.jndxbbs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=90577,nike tn 2014, ride 150 kilometers to the Potter praise. Next time, practicing Mincho also plans to Syria, Iran, Iraq and other places to see. Telephone connection
Mincho practice: to overcome the loneliness, learned to play
WCC: What is the greatest achievement of this journey and the difficulties?
Mincho practice: do what you always wanted to do,nike tn pas cher, learn responsibility and role. In the face of difficulties, the courage to get rid of the difficulties, get help others to be grateful. In fact, the cold, throwing cars are nothing, the biggest difficulty is overcome loneliness.
WCC: Perhaps someone will go to emulate such a trip, do you have any suggestions?
Practice Mincho: life is not necessarily to travel, adventure makes sense, the most important thing is to find value, please do not blindly follow the trend. If you also want to plan such a trip, please pay attention to safety, to comply with traffic rules, do not learn to practice Mincho lost his wallet, documents, ...... put themselves in a mess.
WCC: Many netizens questioned,http://www.farm.erufa.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17808, a girl riding a motorcycle trip so far impossible, if you have a team behind the operation or help?
Mincho practice: just started to accompany my brother was gone. Along the way, I met a lot of people, they have looked at me, with me. For those who question, I really have no interest in responding. Friends remind Mount
Riding alone is dangerous, do not blindly follow the trend ALICE
Mincho practice riding alone through the story of the 15 countries of Europe and Asia, so that was riding a motorcycle to climb Everest Guinness world record holder, Chengdu "motorcycle king" Xu for-gold is a pity, "the girl's courage and technology,hogan outlet, are worthy of admiration. "But for the practice of walking tours Mincho, Xu Jin think change is very dangerous. Xu Jin said the change, the entire journey of over 30,nike tn pas cher,000 kilometers, plus foreign terrain, the climate is uncertain,moncler sito ufficiale, at any time the risk of failure of the motorcycle, "I challenge Everest, there is a whole team of support services." So he suggested , ALICE Do not blindly follow the trend,http://hpw.jsd-coffee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=189740, if we really want to ride through, we must make adequate preparations in advance, and go hand in hand, some care.
WCC reporter intern Chen Yue Wu Yu Na line (Photo provided by respondents)
(Original title: 90 motorcycle riding Chuanmei Zi "Feng Chi" Eurasian-15)
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