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Post time: 2014-10-04 08:12:25
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uneven development of the capitalist economic and political situation has become increasingly prominent. Lenin as the representative of the Russian Bolshevik revolutionaries basic principles of Marxism applied to the study of new realities, creatively put forward the socialist revolution is possible to achieve new victories in the judgment of a State or States, and led the successful holding of the Russian people October Revolution, established the world's first socialist state. Although there have been serious problems in the future practice, and upheaval eventually happen, but the lessons of the Soviet era still has a special significance in the history of the world socialist values.From the date of the Communist Party of China was founded, is to Marxism as its guiding ideology, scientific attitude in how to maintain and develop Marxism has accumulated a wealth of experience. Democratic revolution, our party has appeared dogmatic understanding of Marxism-Leninism, simply follow specific practices, such as the Russian Revolution erroneous tendencies, the revolution suffered a major loss. Comrade Mao Zedong as the representative of the Chinese Communists uphold From China prevailing historical conditions, the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete realities of China, creatively answer a series of major problems of the Chinese revolution, and ultimately out of a "rural new roads surrounding the city, armed seizure of power ", the success of the revolution. After the founding of new China, our Party has led the people in a creative way to achieve the transition from New Democracy to socialism.
completed the socialist revolution and established the basic socialist system, and proceed from various fields of socialist construction. Although the exploration process also experienced serious twists and turns, especially the occurrence of such a major mistake "Cultural Revolution", but as eighteen report noted, "the party originality theoretical results achieved in socialist construction and great achievements, and create a new historical period of socialism with Chinese characteristics has provided valuable experience, theoretical preparation, material basis. "After the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping led our party to set things right, in a profound summary of the basis of past experience and lessons, to re-examine the theory and practice in a series of major issues, especially exalted emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts flag, breaking the "two whatevers" characterized by "leftist" ideology imprisonment, bold exploration and practice, the full implementation of reform and opening up, eventually opened up a building new road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After 30 years of hard work in the fields of economy, politics, culture, society, etc. have made significant achievements of socialism in China show the vitality and vigor.It is in the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality of the process, our party formed the two great theories: one is the Mao Zedong Thought, and the other is including Deng Xiaoping Theory.
the important thought of "Three Represents", the scientific concept of development including the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The former answered in a semi-feudal country in the East, the problem of how to achieve democratic revolution and the socialist revolution and construction of what socialism is and how to build socialism were painstaking exploration; latter answered in China Such a large developing country with a population of over one billion construction of what socialism is and how to build socialism, what kind of party to build and how to build the party and realize what kind of development, how to develop a series of major problems. Both before and after the outcome of succession are to uphold and develop Marxism, Marxism-Leninism with the same strain.Currently, China's social development has entered a new stage, our party is leading the people for building a moderately prosperous society of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive for new victories in the struggle. Should see before us the task remains arduous, to successfully achieve the set goals, you also need to make great efforts. This requires us to further the basic position of Marxism, viewpoint and method used in the construction of the new practice socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to explore and solve new problems in the new stage, to promote the continuous development of our cause, and in the new practice constantly enrich and develop Marxism ideology. To further implement the strategic plan of eighteen.
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