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abercrombie outlet we may be living in fear. If the information system paralysi

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Post time: 2014-10-04 20:13:40
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there are still many academics argue,abercrombie outlet, but listen for events that occurred Currently, we might think is a special act of war in cyberspace, if only the impact on society,outlet bologna woolrich, life, all aspects of national development Network attacks considered cyber warfare, then it quite narrow and biased the."? Oriental Outlook": cyber warfare may always have going on, it was the harm caused by cyber warfare likened to a nuclear bomb,piumini moncler outlet, you agree with this view?Wu Jiang Xing: I totally agree with this view. Modern society is dependent on information technology, dependent on the network, the scope of the bomb damage or partial,giubbotto peuterey, cyber warfare can paralyze a country and cause global chaos. Geographical concept because it does not affect surface greater than a nuclear bomb, say, a country's communications system causing paralysis of all, the financial system disorder, which causes confusion in the national economy, social upheaval,abercrombie e fitch, resulting in the loss of the country's war of will . This effect is difficult to obtain a nuclear bomb.So cyberwarfare greater than the power of a nuclear bomb,peuterey prezzi, but this argument points, nor is sensational. From our current dependence on information systems and network systems, will be able to see it. We can imagine that if suddenly no cell phone.
are still very different."? Oriental Outlook": specific gap?Wu Jiang Xing: specific gaps that China has not yet Cyber   � rmy, the Americans said to have established a network if Warfare Command, it certainly has a network warfare units.Technical schools into Chinese hackers source very funny"? Oriental Outlook": foreign media often guesswork China now cyberwarfare capabilities, and even news that is located in Shandong, China launched a technical school is the source of cyber warfare.Wu Jiang Xing: From the perspective of a technical expert point of view,modello abercrombie, this is a malicious speculation,peuterey roma, this argument is ridiculous, this is an external want to render the China threat theory.We all know that China is a country on the network basically undefended.
do not get any information, we may be living in fear. If the information system paralysis,abercrombie roma, social chaos will occur, no electricity, and gas stopped, the car will not start, weapons and equipment are out of order, this psychological deterrent effect is certainly much greater than the nuclear bomb, blow or shake the opponent's war will do the enemy without fighting the soldiers,moncler uomo, this is difficult to achieve a thermonuclear war.Networking concepts imminent border"? Oriental Outlook": If a war is now under way, what specific role of network warfare units to play?Wu Jiang Xing: The first is defensive; second to implement a proactive defense,hogan sito ufficiale, to have counter-measures,moncler bambino, not just passive beaten.The nature of the network is usually army troops with nature is the same, there are offensive defensive, there are regulars there reservists, war system is the same, the entire technical and security aspects of the layout and the related strategies and tactics also have corresponding support."? Oriental Outlook": From a global point of view, and now our ability to maintain network security, at what level?Wu Jiang Xing: I want to emphasize that,outlet peuterey, first of all in our country, the army did not take guard and defensive national information and communication infrastructure and information security responsibilities in cyberspace.
the destruction it produces first is the impact of information and communication infrastructure as well as a variety of information systems, and then transfer to the physical world to produce harassment and unrest, such as disrupting your financial systems, transportation systems, energy systems, thus affecting your ability war . That it is through an indirect way to influence the war.Fourth,hogan milano, modern war is a war of information technology, precision-guided weapons, cyber warfare and combat capabilities will affect the accuracy of these weapons.Now we see a variety of network eavesdropping incident is just the tip of the iceberg of war, a wider range of government-level confrontation, stealth game time between countries are carrying out. Now the precise definition of the concept of cyber warfare.
our military is not being given such responsibilities. I think this situation is the most serious. In other words, China is now basically in a defenseless state of cyberspace, so it became a network of spam, hackers at home and abroad as a wanton place.Protection against the national IT infrastructure has just begun, compared to America's "Cyber   � torm 1", "Cyber   � torm 2", "Cyber   � torm 3" such a large scale, nationwide civil-military interaction, the people and the community unified action, Whether it is from the size, maturity or level.
hackers around the world are here to show their talents,giubbini moncler, harm Chinese interests, but also with China's platform to engage other countries. This may be insufficient understanding of the world public opinion.
many countries have their own network warfare units, network warfare in the end is what kind of war? Will not happen cyber war?Wu Jiang Xing: cyber warfare may be a special kind of war,hollister online, with our traditional form of war have the same point, there are many different points, I mainly emphasize different points.First,outlet abercrombie, the network war is war without smoke, regardless of peacetime and wartime.Second, the object of the war is different, it is the individual with the State, the individual with society,woolrich prezzi, with national organizations, and even countries with countries. War may be non-governmental organizations subject can also be national.Thirdly.

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