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his wife also poisoned hospitalized

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Post time: 2014-10-04 16:09:44
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Yangcheng Evening News reporter Ann Yin Xue Wang Qi Man
■ Jieyang "poisoning" case tracking
This morning, in the middle and was poisoned her second child Huang Ren hair couple were cremated. A family, hey, only four children.
Son Huang Ren hair  from now, "the elder brother as a father," the road to face the future, look dazed, he just kept saying "good work", 10-year-old brother Huang Bingwei kept him rummaging phone to play , totally did not lose their parents grief.
7 dead 6 injured, one of the family can thrive,http://www.electrothermalheating-748013.adminkc.cn, after eight years of agonizing, long black and blue ......
The younger son grinning not know real depression
Sympathetic eyes, had to leave the first vote for John Huang fat kids.
Huang Ren hair has four children, three men and a woman, were 19-year-old son Huang Linquan, 16-year-old second son Huang Jinhua, 13-year-old daughter,hogan, Ms Sally true, 10-year-old son Huang Bingwei. Now, they have become orphans.
Time of the accident, Huang Linquan, Huang Jinhua in Dongguan, Guangzhou to work, only Ms Wong true, Huang Bingwei home.
10-year-old  in third grade reading, the death of parents do not know what it means, these days, he tetra home all day playing, smiling, no sadness. Reporters asked his father go? He still kept laughing. He is not listening to understand, is I really do not know.
A little naive, read the fifth grade, Ms Sally really is Huang Ren made a couple of the most direct eyewitness poisoning.
Ms Wong told reporters really choppy, July 14, Huang Ren made a couple eating lunch, we went to help people install Kwai Tanzhen lychee money. Mom going out specifically told her not to let strangers into the house, do not go out all right.
Mother told is necessary, June 16 Dragon Boat Festival, home to almost poisoning incidents --- the same day, Huang Ren finished hair worship God, to go home for dinner, opened a rice cooker look, rice cooker edge of the pot of rice the surface of some white powder, he thought it was falling ash, put the rice scoop out the chickens, the next morning, three chickens are dead.
Told normalized told, bad luck or come to this unfortunate family once again.
Afternoon three or four points, the uncle Huangzhen Qiu Huang Ren fortune came, he saw Ms Wong really watching TV, they said to her: come to my house at night, help me pick lychee.
Zhan house Gecun every household litchi harvest season, the villagers want to pull the home off of litchi filter out the bad. Selection of mutual help, are common.
Ms Wong really imagined agreed. She felt uncle is not a "stranger", of course you can go.
That night, no closing, Ms Wong uncle really went home, help choose lychee.
Uncle home in busy home, Ms Wong was really a bit hungry, she went to the kitchen, opened the afternoon her mother left her "leftover porridge",http://www.hishimasamune.co.jp, eating a found sour, and then spit it out.
Ms Wong really so brush with death, but frugal Huang Ren hair couple felt pity porridge down. They put this porridge when supper, finished soon, the two convulsions, trembling. Subsequently,  fell to the ground,tiffany outlet, when the ambulance arrived and so has died, Huang Ren hair was rushed to hospital, also died 4:00.
Ms Wong really hazy so sleepy parents looked away from her.
The next day, tetra Huang River from Jiangxi come back. He asked Ms Wong true: There are no suspicious people? Answer: no. I'm at home,woolrich uomo, ah, I did not find a stranger into my house.
Tetra Q: acquaintances it? At this time, Ms Wong really only said: uncle went inside.
Go to work after the Spring Festival became farewell
Parents died,air max, who work , Huang Jinhua immediately back home from Dongguan, Guangzhou.
This kind of "poisoning", Huang Linquan very familiar, because back in 2007 he had experienced. That year, is ripe lychee season, but also a parent to help people install Kwai Tanzhen lychee go, Huang Linquan responsible for brothers and sisters to cook.
Day five p.m., dinner not eaten, Huang Linquan suddenly found four-year-old sister, convulsions, followed by the other three siblings also twitch up, their parents about Qu Han, immediately also "like wrestling, like,woolrich outlet, fell heavily in on the ground. "
Has been lying in a hospital woke up. On that occasion, the youngest sister died of poisoning, she was not even a part of his name have not yet!
The  did not finish junior high school, now working in a textile factory in Dongguan. "I went to Dongguan after the New Year, the thought of that last one is not with their parents!" July 15 afternoon, when he was back Zhan Gecun house, my parents have been lying in benefits to the county funeral parlor.
Huang Jinhua should have read the first day at school,, in April this year, do not want to read anymore, the day before the Dragon Boat Festival defected relatives in Guangzhou, in Sanyuanli a stall work.
Two brothers have been out of the community, are said to take good care of younger siblings. But does not know how to go on the way.
Huang Linquan Please only two weeks leave, he repeatedly said,hogan outlet, to take to work, to make more money available for younger siblings to school.
Youngest Huangzhen Gui one,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the situation is also worrying.
Huang father's death in 2002,  first poisoned at dinner,tn pas cher, but fortunately rescued in time, lucky to survive. Huangzhen Gui hospital the next day, his wife also poisoned hospitalized, but fortunately also survived.
Since then, the couple's body has been very weak,scarpe hogan,http://www.hyzaarhjisa.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, can not do heavy work,louboutin pas cher, often dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms, memory plummet. 2007,  wife tic symptoms occur at home again, died.
Huangzhen Gui, 39 years old, but it looks like there fifties and sixties. Reporters let him recall the previous family poisoning case, he almost can not remember, and to speak a little topsy-turvy.
2004, Huangzhen Gui poisoning deaths of three daughters, only four years old,http://warabocchi.com/diarywiki/wiki.cgi,hogan outlet, has no name, because it is the Year of the Dragon born,http://www.foosc.com/sportssocialnetwork/profile.php?user=wpoz84UGG&v=comments&v=comments, casually called her "Lung Tsai." Subsequently, Huangzhen Gui added a boy, but was born only three months, on account of porridge poisoning.
Now, the frail Huangzhen Gui to raise a son and three daughters, but also to take care of more than 70-year-old mother.
Huang Ren made the couple's death, the local government quickly apply for four children orphans, the next day that is approved, this month, everyone can receive 150 yuan monthly living allowance. However, the fourth of the year in Jiangxi Province to work, take care of the four children of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Huangzhen Gui.
Body would have sent the Huangzhen Gui, it could also take care of eight children, an old man do?
For two thousand yuan killing seven loved ones?
Yangcheng Evening News reporter Yin safety study, Wang Qi Man reports: Yesterday, reporters learned exclusively, allegedly with the "tetramine" brewing 6 injured seven dead , poisoning causes loved ones might just eight years ago, his father a doctor's treatment costs 2,000 yuan.
Eight years ago, Huang father was seriously ill, hospitalized spent twelve million, four brothers split medical expenses, but in the end Huangzhen Qiu consider themselves more out of 2000 yuan.
2002, Huang father died, and the balance after after a funeral, Huangzhen Qiu proposed to return to their extra 2,000 yuan for medical expenses. The youngest said: parents a long time in his home room and board,woolrich donna, Huangzhen Qiu is the boss, but not responsible for, the extra 2,000 yuan not? Second child could not understand, but also with Huangzhen Qiu quarreled.
Huangzhen Qiu then learned that one after a funeral, the second and third child secretly to discuss something treatment. Huangzhen Qiu am very annoyed. Had a big argument between the brothers. From that moment, he grudge these three brothers, especially the second,hollister france, third son hated. His father died a few months,http://bbs.techcommsalon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=665677, Huangzhen Qiu began to live the ancestral home of the third brother Huangzhen Gui couple poisoning.
July 15 this year, was arrested after Huangzhen Qiu quickly explain this Dragon Boat Festival, July 14 to her second child at home twice planted "tetramine" in meals in. However, these eight years poisoned, Poison nephew niece, Huangzhen Qiu while admitted, while saying not remember the specific time.
This 2000 yuan dispute last night, reporters verify the fourth of Huang River. He recalls: When his father died, the brothers did for the apportionment of medical expenses had an argument, "How much money has been specifically remember, I did not expect big brother still remember so clearly."
Currently, Huangzhen Qiu has been under criminal detention, being held at the benefits to the county detention center.
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