
Title: HxgeJE7nbn [Print this page]

Author: hj9s0x36    Time: 2014-09-24 19:15
Title: HxgeJE7nbn
ABO two miscarriages wife sued to divorce
Kunshan court mediation wife after withdrawal; expert explained that the blood group incompatibility of many couples,prix des air max one air maxe, but rarely fetal hemolytic disease
Peng Hao
A few months ago,http://bbs.yunos.com/read.php?spm=, the court accepted the divorce together Kunshan disputes,peuterey inverno 2013 peuterey metal, divorce cases and generally different, the focus of both the original defendant does not dispute is how the division of property, but rather how to nurture the next generation. It turned out that this young couple married two pregnancies two miscarriages, because his wife was diagnosed type blood type is 0, the husband is type A couple ABO incompatibility,mercurial vapor carbone adidas couleur, not suitable for breeding the next generation, because the couple eager Praying leading to frequent quarrel until referred to the divorce. May 7,air max one safari nike air max en soldes, after the judge mediation, the plaintiff wife withdrawal.
Yangzi Evening News reporter Peng Hao
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Family Crisis ABO wife two miscarriages
2009, 22-year-old Candice Digital Plaza in Kunshan, an electronics sales, understanding the big nine-year-old than his colleague Yi Xiaojun, two young men from working in the field to Kunshan crush on at work, to determine the relationship, and in April 2010 the registration of marriage. After marriage, the feelings between husband and wife has been good, and intend to have a child, but things happened due to nurture the next generation period, is both unexpected.
After marriage,http://bbs.xncac.com/viewthread.php?tid=1002825&extra=,karen millen at selfridges karen millen ireland,http://www.kuailew.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=10616, Candice had two pregnancies in 2011 and 2012, but two times aborted, which makes both parents are dissatisfied,moncler sito giubbino moncler, they initially thought it was because Candice frail, resulting in the virtual body, there is no excessive pressure . Later, both parents arrange the couple to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, they realized the reason the two abortion.
According to the doctor's statement, Candice is RH-positive blood type O, easy Xiaojun is RH-positive blood type A clinical diagnosis of ABO incompatibility, not suitable for breeding the next generation, even if the pregnancy may also cause birth defects. As a result, that is to say WANG Xiaojun together is not easy for the next generation of fertility. Since then, WANG Xiaojun and easy interrogation of both parents everywhere doctor to find a cure.
In the meantime, the couple quarrel occurred many times, often complain Yi WANG Xiaojun no good care of her after their abortion, have been very painful heart Xiaojun is easy to play computer games all day relieve the pressure on both sides feeling the growing crisis . June 2013, WANG Xiaojun easy even wake the extent of separation, and later, after a quarrel, by the end of 2013, a son eager Candice Huff went to court, sued for divorce her husband.
Court mediation wife withdraw divorce proceedings gas consumption
Kunshan Huaqiao court judge leaves the court accepted the case, consult a medical expert specializing in fertility, the degree of harm that ABO incompatibility is not as Candice couple imagined so serious,Air Tn Requin Net Homme baskets pas cher nike, and this information is communicated to the parties. After many conversations through with Candice, the judge considered their feelings between husband and wife is still relatively strong,hollister puffer jacket, the reason is because a son quarrel are not feeling impatient sake. Thus, the judge leaves the organization after several mediation, May 7, eliminating the gas Candice finally withdrew to her husband's divorce proceedings.
Marriage is not a child's play. "The parties in this case deep emotional foundation, this should be seen as an object of envy and now they are facing some difficulties in raising the next generation,http://www.bjyyc.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=88411, but these difficulties are not unsolvable,abercrombie cannes abercrombie & fitch kids, believe they can eventually have through advanced medical technology They love fruit. "Ye judge considered among the most valuable marital relations, must be very treasure. In addition, he also advised people to receive a marriage license to do something before pre-marital check-related, to avoid unnecessary conflicts and disputes after marriage.
Yangzi Evening News invite experts Reinterpretation
ABO couple really can not have children?
Expert doubts: ABO is very common, but rarely fetal hemolytic disease
First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, obstetrics chief physician Huang Qin explained that under the circumstances described WANG Xiaojun easy, probably hemolysis fetus in the mother's womb caused by habitual abortion, medically put this couple ABO cause illness called hemolytic disease of the newborn.
The couple was divided ABO and Rh blood group ABO blood group in both cases. ABO incompatibility refers to the women with Type A,http://bbs.xsss.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=6782, B or AB blood type O men, marriage, pregnancy resulting fetus can be divided into A, B and O type. If the fetus is A, B type will give mothers produce rejection, hemolysis can occur miscarriage and stillbirth. "But in general the couple should not be too nervous, because even if the fetus is a genetic blood, maternal blood group incompatibility father's situation, but the situation really happened hemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn is also very rare. Approximately 20 percent to 25 in pregnancy % of ABO incompatibility, but the occurrence of fetal or neonatal hemolytic only 2% to 2.5%. "Mr. Huang told reporters.
Mr. Huang explained that,nike air structure triax 91 nike chaussures soldes, in theory, maternal blood group incompatibility,http://www.dqsyzx.com/home/home.php?mod=space&uid=180697, the mother carries the fetus missing blood group antigens in vivo, through the placenta into the mother, the mother to produce the corresponding immune stimulating antibodies, these antibodies,http://www.317jzw.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5872, once through the placenta into the fetus, the combination of antigen and antibody it may cause fetal red blood cells are destroyed, the occurrence of hemolysis. However, the reality is that the mother naturally occurring immune antibodies are usually relatively large antibody molecules, it is difficult through the placenta into the fetus. Even a small portion of the antibody through the placenta into the fetus, harm due outnumbered, resulting in a very small, the most common is neonatal jaundice.
■ remind
ABO couple should ensure that the first births
Mr. Huang told reporters that the best way to avoid the prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Relatively speaking,http://dz.igpet.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=52670,alexa mini mulberry, the first child of a lower probability of occurrence of blood group incompatibility, so once they are pregnant, do not easily abortion. Otherwise,chaussures nike air max 90 premium nike air max bw femme, the number of abortions, the more these women, maternal blood group incompatibility will increase the odds; especially he is RH negative, the husband is RH-positive women, but also to ensure that the first child birth, miscarriage or is likely to occur again.
In addition, to prevent the occurrence of neonatal hemolysis can be avoided by prenatal diagnosis. Prenatal diagnosis allows early prediction of fetal hemolytic disease of the newborn may have occurred, if this possible, close monitoring will be carried out early after the baby is born, early intervention, when necessary, in order to reduce the severity.

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