
Title: 0T6SqgTWdo [Print this page]

Author: oregdb0e2    Time: 2014-09-24 03:13
Title: 0T6SqgTWdo
Chutianjinbao News the day before 4 pm,49Hw6pk0Kz, in the pursuit of special classes of Jingshan into custody, seven were arrested for murder, theft, robbery suspect was brought back to Jingshan, where Hwang together people involved in causing the death of After an escape 24 years. Why he took no return? Why do they choose in crime gave himself up after 24 years? This reporter had an exclusive interview.
Pickpocketing missed participating in the attack stuffed murder
Hwang in front of reporters and vitality completely lost lean man of 45 years old. He told reporters about the feelings of his 24-year career in exile,nike tn pas cher,u24uEtLLqt, hoping to exhort fugitive criminals guilty, repent and be saved.
November 24, 1988, due to leg osteomyelitis hospitalized Jingshan Town 21-year-old  Song discharged,moncler outlet sito ufficiale, he was on the streets,DNaM0h0a03, "bully" Xu, Chen and 11 were invited,mQbC7Lbv38, along with the bus pick-pocketing. Qu sanyangzhen reaching the village, Xu,woolrich piumini,ftGqXNJcH6, Chen and others steal missed being recognized. To vent their dissatisfaction, Xu Chen,mulberry, who actually beat Road see injustice flexor village a number of villagers, in which more than 20-year-old villager was wounded Xiaomou sent to hospital died. Forensic Xiaomou was due to external forces caused by hitting aortic aneurysm died. Hwang hearing afraid that killing people is murder, then fled the Jingshan night. And with 11 people to participate in crime, Xu,abercrombie kids, Chen and six people were sentenced for hooliganism for 10 years,louboutin, 15-year sentence, while the flight  the online fugitives wanted by the police.
Often hungry all day tasted bitter exile
Hwang an escape is 24 years. "Those years of my life was miserable ......" Hwang told reporters, for fear of exposing their own identity, he can only go to small factories, brick kilns drudge, dare not go out to eat,GeyGuu98ss, hunger is often a day. "24 years ago, I never dared to take the initiative to call the family, never go home exchange a penny." Hwang said he often woke up at night,nike tn pas cher france, thinking that the police found him.
"Over the years I have never had to do filial ......" Hwang said that during his flight,ThK39q2o5P,nike tn pas cher, his father died young due to illness, his mother remarried to another place.
October this year, Hwang suddenly received a phone call, the phone,woolrich 2013, the mother crying hoarse. His mother told him that he was blind,abercrombie donna, life is difficult to take care of themselves. Hwang spent two months in the uneasy, the day before, in the common exhortations police,hogan uomo, family, friends, Hwang finally chose to surrender.
Hwang said that its own life to escape the hunt in panicky, as soon as accepted legal sanctions,eigikclREF,scarpe hogan donna, to turn over a new leaf, to fight for ailing mother filial. (Reporter Zhou Shoujiang correspondent Xie Zhengyu)

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