
Title: 0i6oJS8br7 [Print this page]

Author: llpkz9t5u1    Time: 2014-11-08 02:56
Title: 0i6oJS8br7
10 o'clock yesterday morning, a man armed with a kitchen knife in the woman rushed to the middle of the road from the Dongfeng Road 142 South Oil Building, Cook knife to his neck forcibly stopped a fully loaded 289 passenger bus, the bus driver and Passengers rushed quickly evacuated. About one hour later, her husband heard about, snatched the knife with the help of the police.
Woman armed with a knife stopped bus
10 o'clock yesterday morning, the South Oil residential building tenants Mr. Yan had just come out ready to work, a red woman suddenly ran from him, the woman hand holding a knife, left hand holding a length stick, first rushed to the district security room door, with a kitchen knife to cut the security room desperately windowsill.
Scored after the woman several times, but also sowed the choppers rushed to the street, in the oncoming traffic forcibly stopped a fully loaded 289 passenger bus, the bus driver seeing rapid braking, and open the back door, urging all passengers get off. Soon, all the passengers were evacuated from the car and the driver. The woman is standing in front of the bus, picked up a kitchen knife rack on his neck, shouting to the crowd.
When reporters arrived on the scene, the woman still standing in front of the bus, put a knife to his neck,moncler uomo, left hand holding the stick from time to time beat the bus, police cordoned off around her, 120 emergency doctors is also the side alert. Reporters saw the woman over 50 years old, dyed red hair, wearing a red shirt, occasionally revealing the foul language, shouting while her husband was killed, while shouting his brother was killed, emotional Very excited, seeing the police are afraid to rush forward.
Husband wins unarmed choppers
11:30 Xu, a whitish hair around the old man came to the woman from the bus left rear, continue to persuade her. About five minutes later, the woman's mood somewhat stabilized, the old man took the opportunity to slowly close, suddenly shot to seize the woman with a knife in his right hand, want to seize the knife down, but clung to the woman refused to put the knife. They compete in danger, the moment the blade toward the old man, armed with a knife at another toward the woman. Upon seeing the side of the police quickly rushed up to help the old man to the woman grabbed a kitchen knife, and then, the woman was brought to the police away.
Reporters saw the woman already has a bloodstain on the neck, was taken away by the police when the mouth is still big burst foul language.
Police confirmed that she was sick
According to the security of South Oil building, said the woman is a state-owned public transport enterprise retirees, and her husband lived in the 13th floor of the cell, the incident that her husband is not around, then come back, angrily knife Qiangliaoxialai.
The security guard told reporters that the woman may be suffering from mental illness, "she often a person walk out of the cell, who told she should not. Sometimes she would throw things down from upstairs, also had a knife to scare people, so most of the neighborhood is not in contact with her. "The reporter then on the 13th floor, the woman lived, neighbors have expressed unfamiliar with her, even her Xingsha do not know, but most said it had mental problems.

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