
Title: sister's husband came out to help. Thief look bad [Print this page]

Author: hju763aiyqqp    Time: 2014-10-30 14:58
Title: sister's husband came out to help. Thief look bad
Times News thief stole a mountain bike he tried to leave the garage was watching Sister clashed. Sister is not the owner of this instantly recognizable among dispute,hogan, sister's husband came out to help. Thief look bad, with "quick change" ...... who knows the law to escape after two hours, the thief Caihe naked upper body to the police station to surrender, begged the police to give him clothes to wear.
Thief 19-year-old,http://www.ferndaleinfo.com, surnamed Cheng,hollister france, although young,hogan, has two theft convictions. Last Saturday 12:00 more, he tolls in order to scrape home, wandering District Court to business education, find a mountain bike unlocked, almost new,http://www.kleo.ru/cgi-bin/club/messagelist.cgi, blue and white in the garage.
No effort, pushed the car thief would want to go. At the door,lancel soldes, he hit the head tube garage nearly 20 years Meng sister. Meng sister a car is a recognized name should be the owners. Sister asked Meng thief: "This is your car right where you live??" Thief evasive answer:. "This is my friend's car" in Bangladesh Sister questioning, the thief can not tell your friend's name,http://www.aptnsw.org.au/cgi-bin/show_blog.cgi,hollister, throwing the car bailing.
And Meng sister watching the garage, where her husband is the master, Chef Ho had been a security, the hands of a few erupted. Hear the sound,http://www.moon.sannet.ne.jp/y_miwa/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, rushed out and grabbed the thief's collar. Thief wearing a cotton zipper jacket, he wanted to use the "quick change" of the law, took off his clothes and fled, only to excessive force, together with the close of cotton T-shirt also came off together,scarpe hogan,http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~itsuno/cgi-bin/rr7/rinzi/aska.cgi, naked upper body and fled.
After the thief fled, Meng Sister alarm,peuterey,, police at the scene found the thief brought a portable pump and hydraulic pliers in his jacket pocket jacket also found some cash,hollister pas cher, as well as a piece of his identity card,sac chanel, then locked thief's identity.
While the police arrested him when wishing to justice, thief himself came Caihe police station. To the later,http://www.umassp.edu/cgi-bin/newspro/viewnews.cgi,hollister sale, his whole body shivering from the cold, the lips are some purple. The first sentence says, is to allow the police to give him a piece of clothing to wear,hollister france,http://accesio.com, "I'm really cold dead." He said, knowing that the police mastered his identity, running can not run,woolrich outlet, with no clothes on the road target too large, simply do not escape.
Yesterday, in a way the law has been under criminal detention.
(Original title: two hours later surrendered to the police seeking clothes to wear)

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