
Title: 26-year-old HE Qin [Print this page]

Author: ghrthjfdr4    Time: 2014-09-13 13:21
Title: 26-year-old HE Qin
August 26, 2013, HE ground for the young, it is a nightmare day. The same morning, has been conceived in her unborn twins over 35 weeks,http://bbs.qizuan.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=153394, both died. According to HE Qin said, the causes of things from the treatment of lower extremity pruritus. After the accident, the doctor issued two drugs has been questioned: "Shu grams itch lotion," taboo column marked "Pregnant women should not use the" why medical certificate? "Dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection" obviously pregnant women with caution, why continuous injection three days?
Stillborn twins, in the end is the doctor's negligence, or the patient's own reasons? This reporter to investigate. Reporter Liu Haiquan
Pregnant women itchy skin treatment
26-year-old HE Qin, Feng Yi, who lives in the village of Susong County town gazebo. "No. 21, I went to the town hospital for treatment, the doctor Nine red after a simple check, call me first County Hospital to conduct a comprehensive inspection." He listened to the doctor's recommendations Qin, August 22, accompanied by his family, arrived at the county Chinese medicine hospital. Test results show that as late pregnancy twins, fetal fetal heart sounds normal. August 23 afternoon, He frequently took the County Hospital of the examination report, again to the pavilion hospital treatment itching disease.
"Dr Chan gave me Salvia injection, dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection, three days after infusion." Pointing to the hospital's prescription, HE Qin told reporters that Chen issued nine red to their medicine,http://id-pass.org/Thread-this-figure-has-increased-over-previous-years, and no special remind yourself home and found instructions for use in pregnant women with caution, but still choose to believe the doctors, but behold, it was kind of results.
After abdominal pain, stillborn twins
August 26 at 4 pm, HE Qin symptoms abdominal pain, fall, then was sent to the pavilion hospital. He ground segment Yanhua husband claimed undreamed day around 7:30, He frequently has two stillborn birth.
In the pharmaceuticals segment family and credentials provided, the reporter noted, called "gram itch lotion Shu", where taboos column marked "Pregnant women should not use"; another drug as "Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection "public information,http://kantorei-deidesheim.de/index.php?site=guestbook&action=add, the drug" Pregnant women with caution, pregnant women use can increase placental insufficiency, the incidence of neonatal weight loss or stillbirth. "
"Appears dead babies and placental necrosis of the serious consequences,http://aiyujianet.h929.000pc.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=50011, there is a direct causal relationship with the treatment of behavioral hospital." Section Yanhua think there are obvious hospital medical mistakes, we must all bear responsibility.
Hospital says diagnosis is correct, doing medical identification
September 23, gazebo town center hospital presented to reporters on the matter described. The description says, August 21, HE Qin to the hospital prenatal care,hogan tod s scarpe hogan primavera 2014, obstetrics and gynecology doctor admissions examination proposed visit to the county hospital for further examination, the patient and his family belong to the August 22 County Hospital went to check in Hospital recommended hospitalization, the patient refused hospitalization, on August 23 to return the town center hospital, requiring hospital treatment. 2 days itching improved patient care, auscultation of fetal heart sounds normal day.
The hospital believes that patients with fetal death, there is no relationship between hospital treatment. And lists several reasons:
Dexamethasone is "intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy" (abbreviated ICP) drug of choice,http://www.thomas-ranch.org/forums/profile.php?id=90764, the patient is considered dexamethasone causes fetal death is not established; "ICP", "twin pregnancy" is a high-risk pregnancy , hospitals and higher hospital physicians were diagnosed correctly; Hospital of show "discharge summary" could prove a "true umbilical cord knot" the fetus will die quickly.
Obstetrics and gynecology: the event two controversial drug, should be used with caution
For segment family questioned the drug, the provincial MCH obstetrics and gynecology expert Dr. Chen about his personal views.
"Shu grams itch lotion is generally not issued to pregnant women, as there needs to be diagnosed by a dermatologist as appropriate medication. Dexamethasone belong C drugs, generally do not. Like some large integrated hospitals, for pregnant women medication, are generally A drugs, if you do need to use C drugs, it should be used with caution. "Dr. Chen also said that" high bile acids, whether diagnosed with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, but also according to the prevailing Check the circumstances. "
As of press time reporter was informed,http://www.luhongbao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=127311, in consultation with gazebo Town People's Government,http://rentadrone.com/forum/activity, the county Health Department and other units, both doctors and patients agree to take the judicial process, and on September 22, the relevant material will be turned over to authorities in Anqing City Medical Malpractice.
I believe the future of this identification results,https://www.jnjvisioncare.co.uk/index.php?item/create_form/1, stillborn twins will eventually uncover the truth. By then, the newspaper will continue to focus on.

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