
Title: tn " "China's consultative democracy is like [Print this page]

Author: z70817830    Time: 2014-09-13 09:36
Title: tn " "China's consultative democracy is like
I heard that the Chinese Communist Party is to take the "mass line", she wanted to know the situation execution. After listening to the introduction of Li Jie,tn, she knows what is "eight requirements,barbour soldes," learn how to use new media that China is a means to increase the anti-corruption efforts. In her view,cheap oakley sunglasses, Li Jie's speech is not only informative, but also incorporates the latest content. For example,cheap oakley, on December 19 the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Department website set up to monitor the area to report gifts on New Year Spring Festival, the Lao Jie in the next day to do a presentation on behalf of civil society organizations.Reform "secret" and the most talked about democracy with Chinese characteristics"China's reform and opening up,cheap louboutin, Laos innovative route, why China has changed so much?" "China's consultative democracy is like? Like Ms. Shen Yueyue such ACWF President is about?"In Jie impression, exchange activities warmest atmosphere is interactive sessions. Almost every field of activity, nearly half the time left to live to ask questions,ray ban, his principles are no limits, "I am willing to answer any questions related with Chinese friends made."In addition to the success of China's reform and "secret", and asked the most is China's democratic system. Why insist on a Chinese Communist Party in power? China negotiation is how to run a democratic system?CPC history as a research expert, Li Jie was asked on a number of international forums had similar problems. He said he will usually present a problem in the dimension of history to examine and combine personal experience with storytelling to answer.Commenting on why China has chosen a ruling party, the Jie introduced the knowledge of modern China to try to emulate the Western multi-party parliamentary and political experience of failure, about his visit to the Eastern European countries of Western "neo-liberal" influence when.
in affirming democratic Meanwhile diversity,oakley outlet store, said China's choice is by their history and circumstances of the decision.According to media reports,Christian Louboutin for sale, eighteen, the CCP had different regions of the socialist countries sent notification group,air max pas cher, sent a mission to interpret non-socialist countries. The delegation, both socialist-oriented countries,Giuseppe Zanotti, there are also non-socialist countries, both developing countries, but also developed countries.Beiqing Bao Li told reporters that his delegation was led by "tailored" to set exchange content. Laos and Cambodia, for example,nike air jordan pas cher, such "neighbors" will focuses on the "pro,nike air max pas cher, honesty, Hui, Yung" foreign policy surrounding the new leadership of the CPC proposed to introduce China and ASEAN to build "Diamond Decade" will bring opportunities.Why should outsiders chat "Family"?According to published reports.
China after the implementation of the new round of reform will choose how and world harmony,air jordan spizike pas cher, is of concern in many countries.In Jie seems, in this context, China is growing at eighteen Third Plenary Session as an opportunity, through a variety of channels reassure other countries,air max one pas cher, reiterated China's peaceful development road.After the Third Plenary Session of the closing eighth, the central and state authorities organized a special briefing to introduce the latest reform. For example this year on November 19, the International Liaison Department, including more than 40 senior diplomats, including Ambassador to nearly 130 countries introduced plenary meeting spirit."National PR" Time to talk "China Story"?When Zhao president's visit to South Korea, Yonhap news agency in an interview in his raised a question: "? Chinese dream to bring opportunities to South Korea.
is around four issues, namely:Why does China continue to deepen reform?Deepening the reform of China's new round of what people mean?What is meant to deepen the reform of China's new round of Chinese society and the Chinese Communist Party?Prosperity of China's neighboring countries and the world what it means?Lao Pan Jie, deputy director of the Academy of Social Policy Research Beiqing Bao reporter in an interview, said in a telephone interview, Li Jie when talking about China's reform, not to say that only the results, nor to avoid the problems encountered: from multiple city was fog Speaking haze enveloped the land acquisition in some places caused tension between cadres from excessive government intervention in the market talked about an increase from the masses of corrupt officials. In her view, this will help researchers better understand why China Laos to deepen the reform of the decision to make a comprehensive and intuitive feel Chinese people's self-confidence.When Nimba color last visit to China.
according Beiqing Bao reporter to incomplete statistics, since mid-December,ray ban for sale, there have been at least four overseas CPC delegation introduced eighth plenary meeting spirit.Public reports indicate,barbour soldes, December 16th to the 24th, the Central Party School Vice President Li Shulei visit to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Chaired by Vice Minister Ai Ping, head of the International Department of the CPC delegation at the 17th to the 20th visit to Nepal. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CPC delegation led by Li Jie between 18 to 25 dates a visit to Laos and Cambodia. From December 24, the President of the School of Journalism, former director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Renmin University of China Zhao led a delegation to Mongolia,air max pas cher femme, South Korea for a visit.Third Plenary Session of eighteen is related to a key meeting of China over the next decade of reform, can be said to be "family." Why the CCP and other countries talk of "family" mean?"China, as the largest developing country,toms for sale cheap, and sincerely hope to share dividends of reform and development with neighboring countries and we hope to walk hand in hand with other countries to achieve mutual benefit and win-win." Li Jie said that in recent years some foreign media put forward the "China threat theory. "" China collapse theory. " As the world's second largest economy.


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