
Title: According to local media reports [Print this page]

Author: idzjfp88m    Time: 2014-09-10 09:02
Title: According to local media reports
Yesterday afternoon, the Dianchi Lake in Yunnan University dormitory, a man over the wall to climb into two layers campus dormitory knife attack,peuterey paradigma peuterey daunenweste, caused by two senior female students were injured. The police investigation, the man of the attack was due to emotional conflicts. The assailant has been the local police control, the case is still under further investigation.
According to the Beijing Times reporter Liu Xiaoxu
Man who stabbed noon Pachuang into quarters
Yesterday afternoon, friends, "Lee lawless madness" in the micro-Bo broke the news that a man armed with a knife climbed into Dianchi Lake in Yunnan University College dormitory,abercrombie shop online abercrombie catalogo, stabbed the girl in a dormitory turned in, and afterwards the man was police control, 120 are on-site first aid, "This man is simply insane,hollister california uk, outrageous."
The users also released a suspected crime scene photos. Mainland dormitory incident surface of a large blood, all kinds of household items, shoes and other scattered in the dormitory, the dormitory door left several blood footprints, the corridor is also dotted with bloodstains. Scene pictures show, there are two girls lying injured outside the hostel to accept aid, including a pale girl,nike shox r3 chaussure nike solde, who was still bleeding.
According to its release screenshot shows a circle of friends, an informed student said the incident occurred there were two girls in the dormitory,adidas f 50, a person constantly yelling for help. "We did not dare open the door, where a girl was stabbed belly, knives are broken, I opened the door when she was lying on the ground does not move,http://www.ds-duowan.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=83, their quarters blood everywhere."
According to local media reports, the incident occurred between the time for lunch, the boys are not allowed to enter the front door of the school dormitory, so the assailant climbed the window into the room from the hostel backyard.
Yesterday afternoon, the Dianchi Lake College Party Committee Office Li told the Beijing Times reporter, the incident hostel dormitory room 216 for six, the assailant non-school students are foreign workers. He entered into the dormitory by Pachuang the attack,http://www.hekigainotsubasa.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=4693, was subdued after school security personnel on the spot and handed over to the police. According to reports, two injured girls senior accounting students, the incident has been sent to Yunnan St. John's Hospital.
One of the victims was a romantic relationship with their
Yesterday afternoon, the Kunming police informed that on the merits,http://chaphan.gotoip55.com/thread-169939-1-1.html, the day 13:04, Kunming Public Security Bureau received a report, said in a Regis College of the 2nd dormitory Dianchi Road 6, where a man into the women's dormitory, playing a girl.
Ethnic Village Resort Bureau police station arrived at the scene, and school security personnel will want to escape the suspect Zhu Moumou (male, 29 years old, Xuanwei, Yunnan people) control, and wounded Xiong (female, 21 years old, Honghe people, Dianchi Lake, Yunnan University students), Jane XX (female, 22 years old,peuterey outlet, Nujiang people,outlet hogan on line hogan outlet donna, Dianchi Lake, Yunnan University students) rushed to hospital. Police at the scene seized a fruit knife has been broken.
It is understood that, because of love disputes, on the 12th at noon Zhu Moumou over the wall into the women's dormitory zone, climbing through a pipe into the six floor building 216 dormitory, after his girlfriend Xiong quarrel, used to carry fruit knife stabbed his girlfriend, with certain quarters Jane was stabbed in the discouraged. Currently, the case is under further investigation.
On the second floor without protective net can easily enter
A total of five layers dormitory incident, although the main entrance courtyard hostel dormitory management personnel "gatekeeper", but can easily pass from the left side of the main entrance on the back of the dormitory, where the only green belt isolated and without walls.
The back of the second floor window of the dormitory quarters for 216 positions, the first floor windows have safety net, the second floor is not installed. Stabbing man by highlighting the side wall, it is easy to climb on the second floor of the dormitory windows open,veste moncler prix veste moncler homme, according to the school, a boy said: "The women's dormitory on the second floor are not equipped with protective net, and certainly not safe, even the male dormitory area on the second floor are installed. "Also a shortcut to enter the dormitory, is the courtyard of the back door, probably about three meters high iron gates, seven meters eight men can easily turn around.
According to the dorm, a girl said, two weeks ago, Building 6, computer theft incident took place, sleeping at night after we have people from outside the direct climb upstairs to open the door to steal computers, two laptops stolen, this matter has been reported, However, the school did not attract attention.
In this regard,moncler piumini bambino moncler piumini sito ufficiale, the Dianchi Lake College News spokesman said, is currently meeting to discuss security measures related to strengthening the campus,baskettes nike nike blazer pas cher pour homme, is recommended for women's dormitory on the second floor plus safety net is expected to be adopted.
□ about
Man Has into two quarters chase
According to eyewitnesses, first heard 6 216 condemning the dorm came to play, and soon 216 dormitory door was open, and heard the screams for help. "Open the door to see a woman ran out from inside the dormitory, injured her head but also a lot of blood, to knock on the door opposite the 215 quarters for help."
Winnie Qiaokai Men injured after girls, little Jane into quarters, the assailant also followed him with the inside. Not only hurt the Cubs, also stabbed and tried to mediate a small Jane. "A woman head of a hand injury, an abdominal injury."
"Later saw two injured female student, leaning on the wall from the hostel ran out toward the stairs for help, the men and chased out." An insider said after the incident the entire second floor of the dormitory students are scared to live, not fewer students took out his cell phone to call the teacher.
Not long school security staff rushed to the scene, the incident dorm hallway Admiral assailant subdued. "After the event, the aisles there are a lot of blood, there is a short knife fruit knife, broke into two parts on the floor,http://amjsdc076.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=121110, the blade is also broken, another cut I do not know where to go."
According to a knowledgeable person,http://bbs.jingfuwu.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=28794, wounded two girls (Bear and Little Jane) are only moved in the first half of the second floor of the dormitory, usually two were living in the 216 and 215 quarters.
The assailant had threatened to send text messages
16:00 yesterday, at St. John's Hospital in Yunnan surgery building, the small reduction surgery has been going on for two hours.
The tragedy, the small reduction is the most important injury victim, she was stabbed abdomen, due to excessive bleeding leading to shock. Doctors, wounded little Jane had even blood are a problem, abdominal cavity multiple stab wounds, brought into the operating room immediately rescue, currently that have damaged her internal organs, not yet out of danger. Another injured Cubs head and shoulders slightly injured.
Little Jane's two aunts, Ms. Jane anxiously waiting in the operating room door. Ms. Jane said little Jane, 21, from the Nu River, home conditions are not good. Mothers with disabilities confined to bed at home, his father died last year, had also seriously ill, she has been studying all these years in funding. Ms. Jane said, four years ago, when little Jane admitted to the Dianchi Lake in Kunming College entrance examination to enter the accounting profession to study, read a senior this year, in a real estate business practice, not far from the school at noon back to eat, sometimes resting in the dorm at night is to Ms. Jane home overnight.
Ms. Jane said recently little Jane told her classmates Bear with her boyfriend Xiao Zhu often quarreled,http://www.battlefieldza.co.za/index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=53, as if to break up, but Xiao Zhu did not agree. Little Jane often intervene in the two disputes, Xiao Zhu believed to be little Jane "stymied", "mischief" relationship between the two, and also sent a lot of text messages and micro letter threatening to little Jane.
Ms. Jane said,http://www.bjkdht.com/service/feedback_look.php?id=129944, "It is said that man's house a collection of a lot of knives, the other day, the man he raised a puppy for stabbing, as if he shot down the process, they brought the threat of little Jane, it seems This means that he has done anything out, let her son be careful. "
Yun Zhang Dianchi learn Yuanxueshengchu teacher said,achat nike pas cher air max pas cher livraison gratuite, in April,air jordan femme soldes jordan 6 retro, Zhu Moumou went to school to play Za Boli,http://9w4bq4.com/thread-73586-1-1.html, the school about the incident specifically looking for Xiong to understand the situation and give swapped quarters.
(Original title: men sneaked into the women's dormitory and wounding two University)

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