
Title: 9DH73CQ6v2 [Print this page]

Author: tyrt9o9lg56    Time: 2014-10-06 05:35
Title: 9DH73CQ6v2
(Reporter Cui Yongli), a man was beaten unconscious in the street people, coincided with the rain, after seeing a woman crossing an umbrella for the storm.
After nearly three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Han Guang Road, about 60 meters away at the South Second Ring Road East, a biker over 20 year-old man was assaulted at least five men, collapsed to the ground,9NGNrC1xk8,outlet woolrich online woolrich napoli, the perpetrators fled.
The reporter through here immediately to 110 and 120 call for help, police soon arrived. Injured man to lie down on the sidewalk along the road, out of the nosebleed has solidified. At this point, the sky to float the rain, two women talking and laughing from the south came the name of an umbrella. Saw a man on the ground, was taken aback. For police woke the man, but received no response. Umbrella woman hesitated cautiously approached,9qCbV215s6, collapsed to the ground with an umbrella for the rain cover man.
Police to get in touch with their friends via cell phone, the man, learned he was in Qinghai. After 15 minutes, 120 cars came to the injured man away.
It is understood that two women are Xi'an Railway International Travel guides, umbrella girl named Li Mi, 23-year-old. At 8 pm, the reporter learned that the man had been beaten awake, his friends have also been rushed to the hospital. But the police asked him why he was playing,026H8FFb7m, the man was unwilling to say.

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