
Title: addition [Print this page]

Author: ijuhy4w5ieds    Time: 2014-09-30 14:46
Title: addition
Baoji newspaper (Reporter Wang Zhi) the morning of April 19 this year, when he Baoji City Public Security Bureau Police Detachment battalion Weibin Li Wei, the younger brother because of family conflicts shot. Yesterday, Baoji City Intermediate People's Court of first instance verdict,http://bbs.gemcaa.com/showtopic-2362960.aspx, of intentional murder and sentenced to life imprisonment the defendant Li Wei,http://ad35.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=31866, deprived of political rights for life.
Family conflicts lead to fratricidal
Defendant Li Wei, aged 39, Han nationality, university culture. Wei and Lee in March 1996 got married born a woman. In March 2008,http://www.postyourflasher.com, because his brother Li Xiaowei Li Wei found ambiguous relationship with his wife, on persuasion Lee, I hope she change her mind. No fruit, two in March 2008 agreed to a divorce, and later in the same year in July voluntary remarry. Wei's family said at the time mainly for children considered to remarry.
After remarry, since Li Xiaowei Li Wei to send insulting messages,abercrombie france boutique, and continue to maintain an ambiguous relationship and Lee, Wei and Lee in the same year in August and again divorced. After that, Xiao-Wei Li and Lee cohabitation.
Lee's brother Moumou and deer in a divorce in April 2007. October 2008, Li Wei, fell in love with a deer. Lee and their parents after that, and Li Xiaowei Li Wei has been to a certain unit and deer abusive and insulting text messages sent to a deer, trying to force a break Wei and deer.
On the morning of April 19 this year, Li Wei during duty without permission to carry guns, with her daughter Li (pseudonym) came together at his ex-wife Lee rental Taiwan District of Baoji City Fuyuan. Two disputes in the conversation, Lee Wei will tear down. Lee Li Xiaowei then call for help. When Li Xiaowei arrived, Li Wei and Lee have reconciliation. Lee sent for Li Xiaowei first to leave, let Li Wei also took her daughter away. Li Wei to go out with her daughter to leave,http://bbs.95jade.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=214988, seeing Li Xiaowei Li Wei came and abusive, and rushed from the landing place between the third and fourth floors of Li Wei tear down, beaten. Tearing, and Li Wei took out his pistol, fired twice, hitting the victim Li Xiaowei respectively abdomen and head, causing Li Xiaowei fell to the ground, after she died. The forensic identification: Li Xiaowei Department suffered severe head injuries caused by the shooting death. After Wei surrender.
Gave himself up after meritorious service
The court held that the defendant Li Wei conflict with the victim at the time of the occurrence, gunmen killed the victim, his behavior constituted intentional homicide, the prosecutor accused the defendant of the crime were established. Defendant Li Wei as a police officer,http://www.tonaudio.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=26920, gun homicide,http://nvdaogou.com/news/html/?41771.html, serious cases, this should be severely punished according to law. But in this case the Department of family conflicts caused by the victim in the case has some fault cause and time of the incident, the defendant Li Wei surrendered after the crime; addition, Li Wei defendant in custody, can expose others to the crime clues,http://bbs.herongtianxia.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=28510, the public security organs accordingly clues to the detection and arrested two suspects, the suspect has been submitted to prosecutors to prosecute the defendant Li Wei constitute meritorious; Moreover, the defendant can plead guilty repentance Wei, a good attitude. In summary, can their sentences. So make a first instance verdict according to the law,http://home.91sqs.com/space.php?uid=36549&do=blog&id=171465, intentional murder and sentenced to life imprisonment the defendant Li Wei, deprived of political rights for life.

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