
Title: christian louboutin shoes reporters came in the rearward position [Print this page]

Author: s7忠贞罘渝    Time: 2014-09-29 06:16
Title: christian louboutin shoes reporters came in the rearward position
"like us every day on the road,christian louboutin shoes, and Chuang yellow once recorded 6 points,air max bw pas cher, after which the junction of the loud noise Guo ah? "Respondents generally reflected the driver told reporters intersection "too bad" reasons include:~ ~ Green becomes yellow without prompting. "Many cities, including parts of the junction of Beijing are set timer,christian louboutin outlet, but why are not the most junctions equipment it?" Peking University Law School Professor Wang said the regulations promulgated should also have appropriate facilities.There are drivers surveyed complained before the green light should be flashing yellow light changed three times before, but now a lot of intersection traffic lights do not have this prompt.~ ~ Traffic lights with varying lengths of time, it is difficult to judge. Many taxi driver told reporters that Beijing many times are not the same intersection lights. "Some very short yellow light intersection, 'snapped' and click on the flash passed, some on very long,air max pas cher pour femme, almost no rules to follow,vetement hollister pas cher, too intersection really guilty fear." Taxi driver Mr Lim said.Reporters learned from the Beijing traffic control department,abercrombie pas cher france, the use of traffic information collection system,piumini moncler donna, Beijing's main intersection with the length of time lights are buried by the intersection of the induction coil and television monitoring equipment,hollister paris adresse, according to the vehicle queuing situation in real time to adjust. It also determines the intersection traffic information collection system is installed, you can not use the timing lights."Depending on the traffic,escarpins louboutin pas cher, lights at an intersection in different directions with different, Beijing all the lights at the junction with are not the same." Beijing police say a line,peuterey outlet, traffic management technology relatively high degree of cities, may all this is the case.
Affect two: intersection "treacherous." Reporters in the West Chang'an Street extension cord to a small intersection saw the 2nd, a dark-colored car near the intersection of golf at the stop line when the green light is about to change, seem to realize that to "break yellow light",air max femme, then slam on the brakes, but faster speed is not completely stopped, but this time lights are yellow,peuterey donna, the driver had sped away.In the afternoon, in the East Third Ring Road outside Baiziwan intersection,peuterey, a red car suddenly becomes yellow when the brake,hogan 2014 donna, causing the back of a taxi almost rear-end collision.Reporters found that when the green light with a long time,veste barbour, the position of the row in front of the vehicle is not difficult, but at the back of the vehicle for, is to accelerate or decelerate to wait through yellow lights, it was a difficult choice.East single intersection, reporters came in the rearward position, close to the intersection to stop when the green line has lasted more than two minutes,moncler gilet donna, reporters choose slow in front of the trailing vehicle unexpectedly triggered whistle urging, but next lane, 40 kilometers per hour or so a few choose to accelerate through the car, but have not yet crossed the stop line when the light is yellow,hollister pas cher france, a few cars braking too late, had to bite the bullet,tn, "Chuang yellow."Gnaw through the intersection? - A see yellow guilty fear"On taxi for so many years, I do not know how to go junctions." Beijing is a driver of a taxi company said.


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